Koko’s individualized coaching methodology is built on technology, backed by science, and incorporates the insights and experience of nationally recognized exercise physiologists, certified FitCoaches, and 25 years of fitness insights to make the Koko Smartraining System work for you.

Meet Our Experts

Michael Wood, CSCS, Chief Fitness Officer

Michael Wood leads the development of integrated training and nutrition programs for Koko members nationwide. A nationally acclaimed fitness expert, Michael has conducted research as a Senior Exercise Physiologist at the Nutrition, Exercise Physiology and Sarcopenia Laboratory at the Research Center on Aging at Tufts University, and has lectured at Boston University and the University of Connecticut. He has been named Boston Magazine’s “Best of Boston” Personal Trainer, and made the Men’s Journal “Dream Team” list of the nine best trainers in the U.S.

Kathy Kaehler

Nationally recognized fitness expert and celebrity trainer Kathy Kaehler provides you with first-rate health tips, exercise programs, and nutritional facts. For 13 years, Kathy Kaehler was a fitness correspondent on the Today show while training celebrity clients such as Julia Roberts, Michelle Pfeiffer, Cindy Crawford, Jennifer Aniston, Denise Richards, Claudia Schiffer and Kim Kardashian. Kathy’s Koko Smartraining programs are based on Kathy’s books, “Fit and Sexy for Life” and “Mom Energy”.

“I designed these programs to address the trouble spots we all wrestle with, like flabby arms, wide buttocks and love handles where slender waists once were. Together we’ll tighten your midsection and zero in on your target muscles for fast results, just like I have with my celebrity clients.” – Kathy Kaehler

Rob Parr

For over 20 years, superstars have called on trainer Rob Parr to build better bodies. Star power clients include John McEnroe, Bruce Willis, Demi Moore, Madonna, Sharon Stone and Naomi Watts. Parr earned his degree in Exercise Physiology from Cal Poly University, played baseball for the San Francisco Giants organization, and has authored numerous books on personal fitness. Rob’s Koko Smartraining programs are based on his books, “Star Quality: The Celebrity-Based Plan For The Shape of Your Dreams” and “Rob Parr’s Post-Pregnancy Workout”.

“Celebrities come to me to get results – whether it’s Madonna prepping for a tour, Demi Moore training for her next movie, or Bruce Willis getting whipped into shape for Die Hard. I believe in packing the most into every workout – building a strong foundation and working hard to build a better body.” – Rob Parr

We’re Here To Help

We’d love to customize a fat-burning, muscle-toning plan — nutrition AND exercise — designed to help you look and feel better in the shortest amount of time. Come visit our coaches and see what Koko FitClub can do for you.


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